Developing better materials for everyday life

The Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Processes Institute (AMMPI) at the University of North Texas has been established as an Institute of Research Excellence. This is in recognition of the university’s strong and growing materials science program, which is part of UNT’s fast-growing College of Engineering. The institute will support the university on its path toward national prominence.

Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Processes Institute, AMMPI, is a research institute which is focused to test, develop and process next-generation structural and functional materials via rapid combinatorial assessment and advanced processing technologies.

Cutting Edge Research in AMMPI

Student Looking at Data on a Computer
AMMPI is all about innovation and cutting edge technologies. Researchers and scientists from different fields of Materials Science and Engineering, Chemistry, Mechanical and Energy Engineering, Physics and Engineering Technology work on the latest technologies to push the boundaries of materials science further.

In today's world, materials play a big role in technological advancement. Every progress in the electronic world, mechanical engineering and structure engineering depend on new materials to be produced and presented to the market. From biomedical applications to gigantic structures, a new material can save lives or millions of investment dollars in the long run or short term.  Here at AMMPI, we engage with industries in the United States and all over the world to research and manufacture new materials. With many scientists and researchers at hand and advanced equipment at our disposal, our institute is a unique place.
AMMPI Versascan
AMMPI SonoScan
Dynacool Cryogenic